Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Many Uses of Ivory

I posted on my Facebook about how I was excited to receive a bar of Ivory soap, and got a lot of responses on the post about what other people use Ivory soap for! You can do a science experiment by putting it into the microwave to let it foam up into 6 times its size (my 3 year old would enjoy that), you can put it in your bed under your sheet and it magically relieves leg cramps, and a fun fact.. It's the only soap that floats!!! So we had to give it a try. I had another bar of soap on hand. Here was the result..

That's right!!! Ivory really does float!! It made me think "wow, that really goes to show that it is light, and free of crap that will bog you down." HA! I also replaced my old soap with the Ivory in the shower and I love the way it feels and smells. I will definitely be buying it again, as my family has sensitive skin and it really is a great product for that, being that it is 99.94% natural ingredients. I also used it on my face when I ran out of facial cleanser and didn't even need my nightly moisturizer that night! It is really a great product and I am happy I got to give it a try, because it is a new favorite of ours, and you can't beat the value!!! Check out some more details! You can also check out their website/facebook page by clicking the "ivory" link above.

Free of dyes and heavy perfumes, Ivory provides a simple, yet effective clean for the entire family (without breaking the bank!).

Ivory bar soap is 99.44% pure (it floats!).  Beyond using it as a body cleanser, many of Ivory's loyal users – not to mention a few celebrities – swear by Ivory as their beauty secret. In fact, many consumers use Ivory bar soap as a facial cleanser.  It provides healthier, smoother and more even-looking skin. Also, its versatility makes it an effective laundry soap (just chip soap flakes into the washer) as well as a spot stain remover on your clothes (including delicate items). Ivory bars can even be used for a fun soap carving project with the family!  

When it comes to motherhood,  Ivory (the clean & simple soap) knows that being a mom has become more complex than ever, and that moms are looking for ways to simplify their lives. According to a survey of 1,000+ moms conducted by Wakefield Research on Ivory’s behalf in October 2011, 80% of American moms think motherhood is more complicated today than it was 20 years ago, despite the thousands of items supposedly designed to “simplify” their lives. But, while they may be more stressed out and busier than ever, almost 90% of moms think they’re doing a better job balancing it all than their mothers did. Some other interesting stats:

· 30% of moms surveyed found the most complicated aspect of motherhood was finding more "me" time, 66% confessed to hiding in their bathroom for some alone time.
· 75% feel the pressure to make every outing, playdate, or experience a "teachable moment," which can create great pressure
· 70% of moms feel they don’t have everything together, despite others thinking that they do.

As a result of these findings, Ivory created a Facebook community where everyday moms can share tips with one another on ways to simplify life for themselves and their families.   

Find your Ivory now at your nearest retailer, including stores such as Walmart and Target as well as any major grocery, dollar and drug store.  A 10-pack of Ivory bar soap retails for around  $4.49 (bath bar size).

Disclaimer: I received this product complimentary from Ivory via influenster for testing purposes. The opinions in this blog are my own. 

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